








「リアル・マッコイズ」のワークウェアラインには<EIGHT HOUR UNION>っていうカテゴリーがあって、当時の僕はブラウンダックのカバーオールに<JOE McCOY>のデニム、ウェスタンシャツを合わせて、足元はラッセルモカシンっていう、今じゃ想像できないほどのアメカジスタイルだった。新品のカバーオールなんて、洗い立てだと床に置いてもそのまま立ちそうなくらい固かったんだけど、着続けるうちにだんだんと身体に馴染んできた。あの頃僕に会った人たちは、ブラウンダックのカバーオール姿が一番の印象かもしれないな。でもあれからはカバーオールを着ることもなくなって、いつの間にか「パタゴニア」の軽くて柔らかいフリースが僕の定番になった。ワークウェアのおじさんから、スティーブン・キングの小説に出てくる田舎の親父みたいなスタイルへとシフトした感じ。まさに、ライク・ア・ローリングストーンってね。

 24FWワーカーズの展示会で見つけたカバーオールは、「PAY DAY」っていう昔のデパートメントストアブランド風のデザインが気になった。19世紀初頭のテーラードっぽい感じとは違って、50年代のリラックスしたフィット感が良い。そして何よりも、ミリタリースタイルに近いショート丈が最高だった。


During the peak of the denim boom in the 1990s, I was lucky enough to carry "Real McCoy's" in my shop. I had just opened my store in 1996, and as a beginner, it was truly fortunate to be able to handle such a popular brand. (I’ll save the details of how it happened for another time.)

"Real McCoy's" had a workwear line called <EIGHT HOUR UNION>. Back in the late 90s to early 2000s, I used to wear a brown duck coverall from this line with <JOE McCOY> jeans and a Western shirt, finishing the look with Russell Moccasins. Looking back now, it was quite the American casual style, which is far from how I dress today. The new coverall was so stiff that after washing, it could literally stand on its own if you put it on the floor. But after wearing it for a few years, it started to fit me perfectly. People who met me at that time probably remember me best wearing that brown duck coverall. Since then, I’ve moved away from coveralls and started preferring Patagonia’s lightweight, soft fleece. My style shifted from a workwear guy to something more like one of the rural characters from a Stephen King novel. Like a rolling stone, as they say.

At a recent 25FW Workers exhibition, I came across a coverall that caught my eye. It had a "PAY DAY" style, which was a design inspired by old department store brands. The fit was different from the tailored styles of the early 19th century — it had the relaxed fit of the 1950s. And most importantly, it had a shorter length, similar to military-style coveralls, which I really liked.

The color wasn’t brown duck but black duck, which I’m excited to see fade and wear out over time. Instead of jeans, I’d pair it with sweatpants this time. And for shoes, it would have to be New Balance.

<WORKERS / ワーカーズ>
"CAT DAY Coverall"
・サイズ M着用



Cape Cod Clothing Store & Backyard Bar
〒892-0846 鹿児島市加治屋町1-9 第二柿本寺ビル 1F

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