
WORKERS "Open Collar Shirt"







あれはもうだいぶ前の話で、正確な年代は少し曖昧かもしれないけど、80年代から90年代って、フランスブランドが妙に流行ってた時期があったんだよね。今でいう「APC」よりも前の、いわゆるフレンチブームってやつ。「OLD ENGLAND」や「HEMISPHERES」なんかのコンサバ系が特に人気でさ、雑誌<POPEYE>でもF.D.G.E(いわばB.C.B.Gの進化版)なんてスタイルが流行ってたのもあって、フランスのセレクトショップが注目を浴びていた。

 そのブームも少しずつ落ち着いてきた頃、代官山にひっそりと構えていたのが「Marcel Lassance」だったんだ。確か、当時は「シップス」が営業代行してたと思うけど、記憶も曖昧でさ。当時20代だった俺にとっては、代官山という立地と、その落ち着いた大人の雰囲気がちょっと敷居が高くて、正直入るのをためらってた。ウィンドウから見える店内には、店員しかいないことがほとんどで、客を見た記憶はないね。まあ、それもそのはずで、あの店は完全に「大人のための店」だったんだ。



It's been quite a while, so my memory of the exact years might be a bit unclear. But back in the '80s and '90s, French brands were really popular. This was before the "APC" boom, during what we called the "French boom." Conservative brands like "OLD ENGLAND" and "HEMISPHERES" were especially popular, and with the help of magazines like *POPEYE*, promoting styles like F.D.G.E (an updated version of B.C.B.G), French select shops became a big trend.

As that trend started to slow down, a shop called "Marcel Lassance" quietly appeared in Daikanyama. If I remember right, "SHIPS" was managing the store back then, though my memory is a bit fuzzy.

At the time, I was in my 20s, and the combination of the Daikanyama location and the mature atmosphere of the shop felt a bit intimidating, so I never dared to step inside. From the window, I only ever saw the staff inside, never any customers. It was, without a doubt, a "store for adults."

Now, here I am in my mid-50s, still a die-hard fan of oxford button-down shirts. But recently, at the 24F/WORKERS exhibition, I saw a shirt inspired by the open-collar shirts from Marcel Lassance, and something about it struck a chord with me. The length and relaxed fit were just right, and it even had a cool, vintage vibe, like something Hemingway might have worn.

For the first time in a long while, I thought, maybe it’s time to try wearing something other than a button-down shirt.

<WORKERS / ワーカーズ>
・サイズ 15(M) 着用


着丈75 センチ程、肩幅がちょっと落ちて46-7 センチ。身幅は56-7。Modified BD をもう少しゆるくしたようなシルエット。

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〒892-0846 鹿児島市加治屋町1-9 第二柿本寺ビル 1F

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